Trumpeting my return...

Dear Diary,

I get the best view of my trumpet vine from the upstairs bathroom window.  They are in full bloom now.  It was a cheery sight on my return home last night.  I feel like I have been away for a month!  The garden is in a sorry state and needs tending to but I don't have the energy to be frank.

I will pick up Emerson this morning and drop off my car to be repaired.  A friend is kindly letting me borrow her car for the week while it is in the shop.  Other than a bit of food shopping, I'm not going to do much of anything today.  Our heat wave continues although not as brutal here as down south.  There was a rain storm Saturday night so I won't have to worry about that for a day.

Returning home always feels good no matter how wonderful your trip is and mine was really great but I want to run around and set everything straight, do the laundry, weed the garden, water everything.  But I will take the re-immersion process slow and easy.  There is much to digest and reflect on and I have all the time in the world to do it.

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