In the morning Piet Hein and I went to the sea, for an early swim.
The water felt a bit cooler, and there were no waves or hardly any.
In the afternoon I cycled to Vlinders aan de Vliet in Leidschendam.
15 Km from our apartment. Perhaps a bit hot day for such a trip, but I thought that it still was the best option for this week.
Vlinders aan de Vliet is a tropical butterfly jungle. I have been there once with Mischa, a couple of years ago.
I stayed inside for a long time, at one moment I had to take shelter because they let it rain for five minutes.
A lot of pictures a taken, in the end I had four that I liked.
I'll show another one in the extra's.
When I left the garden I was soaked and happily enough I had a dry garment with me.
I slowly cycled back, and guess what, of course we had spaghetti for a meal, with spinach if you want to know.

My haiku:

It's tropical hot
But the butterflies like it
That way the best

And the quote by Ovid, The Art of Love:

Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour.

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