Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Hey ma, I'm ahead!

Once ahead, stay a head!

I was going to show you Murdochs' smart looking haircut but decided to inject a bit of humour into the day. Here he is , all head and no body.

I am pleased it is the weekend. We have a colleague of Gavin's from the US coming for supper tonight, it will be a casual BBQ - not burgers and sausages, something a bit more posh than that.

A quiet weekend lies ahead. On Sunday Gavin and Luke are joining the crew who are taking the sailing boat from the Hamble to Las Palmas in the Canaries, where it will lie in readiness for the start of the boat challenge they are all doing in November (except Luke who will be back at uni). Gavin is thrilled to be spending he next week and a bit sailing to Las Palmas, Luke feels sick at the thought of spending the next week and a bit on a boat doing 4 hourly shifts, crossing the Bay of Biscay which is known as one of the worst crossings in sailing waters - but he is being paid to crew and everyone knows students always need money.

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