Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Mono Monday: Link

What does a car wash have to do with link you ask?? Well, about a month ago (22nd June to be precise), G and I took her car to the car wash (the same one as in my blip). We had a small problem with the wash, in that the water being used smelt of er sewage, so I got in touch with the company the next morning and made a complaint.

Fair dues to them, they took my feedback and check their water tanks. They wouldn't tell me what they found, but said the problem had been sorted, and offered me a free wash for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we never had the time to get down there, so today, I thought I'd give it a go despite the fact I was in a different car.

To my utter amazement, the supervisor came out with a post-it note in his hand with all my details. He said no problem to being in another car, and I went through the wash. Unfortunately, as I was actually in the car, I couldn't get a picture of the Volvo going through. This was the next person. I found Manual worked best to capture the car lights.

Had a bit of a surprise sprung on me first thing - to buy the plates and cutlery for a potluck lunch at the office. I duly complied, only to discover that was my contribution! The potluck itself was really nice. One department brought ice cream and maltezers and M&Ms and marshmallows and were making sundaes!

And now I must do some personal admin work.

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