A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Having unloaded J and stuff yesterday we had a day to ourselves in Newcastle. We'd arranged to meet up for coffee with blipper GailyWhaley at the art gallery "The Baltic" - a former flour mill on the Tyne.

General consensus on the gallery is that the art's nothing too exciting but the building's interesting.  We're particularly grateful to GW for pointing us towards the 4th floor and the viewing platform of the bridges in one direction, and the largest inland colony of Kittiwakes in the other! (See extras).

It's only our second visit to the city and we rather like it (and I don't generally 'do' cities).  

The central area is of a size that is eminently walkable, it feels spacious and the architecture is a wonderful mixture.  The cathedral contains a great variety of stained glass, from ancient to modern; from busy to simple.  I like the way surviving old buildings have been built around, presumably in the post war period.  That said, there were some beauty-and-the-carbuncle juxtapositions which were a bit unfortunate.

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