Royal Scottish Academy

We were all up and out by 8am this morning  - which wasn’t bad as we only got home after 7pm last night.  It was a lovely morning and my washing line didn’t have an inch to spare.  We dropped BB off at his friend L’s house and we headed for our train – which was running late.  A great start to the first day back.

I spent the morning wading through e-mails, with a break for a tricky meeting that had been thoughtfully arranged for my first morning back in the office, but I reached e-mail saturation point around lunchtime and will have to continue tomorrow.  The afternoon was taken up with more meetings.

Having been waylaid by a colleague, I had to run for my train this evening – which was on time.  Once home TT set about cutting the grass, and I packed a bag for BB who is now off staying with his friends J and S for a couple of days.  He was worn out when I collected him from L’s, so I am sure he will sleep well tonight.  Once I had dropped BB off, I had to race to  the supermarket for something for tea, as the cupboard was empty.

I have some papers to read for work – not that I need anything to send me to sleep!

When I emerged from the station this morning, I was immediately bombarded with signs of the impending festival.  I spotted this colourful display at lunchtime, and hope I can find the time to get along to the exhibition.

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