Look Up to the Sky

I am prone to going exploring early in the morning. Who can resist one quick adventure before the work day begins? And so it is that you may often find me out early, walking, climbing, kneeling, crawling, or even dancing and singing (especially when dancing and singing are not called for) across the face of the Good Green Earth.

On the first of July, I discovered a new venue for adventuring: a little park with some marvelous playground equipment on Bernel Road, not far from the local airport. It has pretty green trails for walking, and benches for sitting, amid the rural rolling hills of central Pennsylvania.

I celebrated my first visit there by posting a photo of myself climbing the stair rungs inside my little "rocket ship," as I like to think of the one playground structure. The view I posted on that day was of myself, looking down, with my feet climbing the rungs of the ladder.

There was a stunning sky on this morning, full of breaking clouds. And I found myself once again inside my secret rocket ship, climbing upward, toward those clouds. I have already shown you the view looking down, so here is the view looking UP toward the heavens, with blue skies shining through.

And so I pass along this bit of wisdom: walk, climb, kneel, crawl, or even dance and sing upon this Good Green Earth, if the spirit moves you. And do it with wild abandon if you like. But never, ever miss a chance to look up to the sky.

The soundtrack: The Indians, with Look Up to the Sky.

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