If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

South Cumbrian Countryside

Heading back home after our visit to the south of the county.  We had a leisurely start to the day and knowing I might not get a lot of chance to blip I wandered to the road outside the site and "exposed a few electrons" just to have something in the camera.

The run home was accomplished easily and by lunch time.  The few days away must have done us good because we decided to tackle a job that has needed done for a while - the hedge!  I have trimmed it this year but the top needed attention desperately.  It is a 7 foot leylandii hedge, not actually ours but we prefer to control our side.

In among the balancing on top of the step ladders I took a few shots of butterflies on the Buddleja.  I decided I prefered this one as I might need butterfly shots in the days to come.  As an aside this part of the county was actually Westmorland until I was 28.

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