Grateful Days

By Nickimags888

Team Bumblebee in The Sunflower Arena

Well it really was a nail-biting contest this morning in the Sunflower Arena where the balance discipline was being held. As you can see in this image Team Bumblebee were really struggling to hold it together and unfortunately put down a rather wide leg to keep their balance. Depending how the other competitors get on this could be the end for this team today. 

This was taken down in one of the sunflower fields that local farmers sow for the insects and later the birds, near home. I was actually driving to a different one but stopped and walked back as there were more in this field. I reckon the bees thought they were in paradise as there were so many blooms and more to come.

Thanks to dbifulco and BikerBear for hosting both challenges.

Back to the library for my Friday afternoon stint listening to the children taking part in the Big Friendly Read. I imagine it's going to be a very busy afternoon as it's getting nearer to the end now.

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments stars, and heart for yesterday's shots from the Battle of Flowers so glad you liked them too.

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