Friends Forever

The intervening years will fade to nothing as His Lordship and I make our way to the other side of the city tonight to have a meal with my best school friend, the one whose house I visited every second weekend right through our schooldays while she came to mine on the other weekends. We were inseparable then and were known by one teacher as the heavenly twins. After school we lost touch somewhat as she studied dentistry while I studied Chemistry, but she was one of my bridesmaids in the early 60s and we saw each other thereafter maybe once a year when she returned to the UK from globe trotting.

In this photo we would be about 21 which is very scarily more than half a century ago. Our lives have taken very different paths in all sorts of ways, but it is always lovely to catch up when she returns to her old family home in Edinburgh from London where she now lives.

Tonight we will travel across town in a taxi, a far cry from the no 14 bus, my mode of travel back 60 years ago.

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