Jumping Jays

I cancelled the bridge gathering at our house that was to have taken place tomorrow. My cold has settled in solidly and I just wasn't up to shopping and setting up for the group. I won't even be playing. In fact I'm not exactly sure what Arvin and I will be doing. Luckily he seems to have escaped the cold. His cough is gone and there seems to be no cold symptoms in its place. My voice, on the other had is like a squeeky teenager's voice during the change from high to low. Neither Helena nor Arvin could quite catch what I was saying and I didn't want to repeat. So I was quieter than usual today. Not such a bad idea actually. 

We met Helena at the Farmer's Market and did some shopping. Then we came home and had lunch and watched a movie on TV. It was a Netflix movie called "Mothers and Daughters" and we all liked it. Then we spent some time just vegging on the deck. That's when I caught these jays in their peanut diving behavior. I actually got quite a few good shots today. It was hard to pick but I finally chose this because there were two birds in it.

Finally we all were tired of sitting quietly and went to the Lake Whatcom Park for a short walk. The place was mobbed and for the first time I used our new handicap parking permit to park close to the trail. Arvin would not have managed parking a long way from the park on the street. 

After the walk we went home and spent some more time on the deck before I made us fish and salad for dinner. We watched a second movie, "Mona Lisa Smile," and drove Helena home. Turned out to be a nice day though slow for me. I prefer to have more energy and not to have a cold. Surprise surprise. 

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