In and Out

I had a very hard time choosing between two photos today. I selected this one of the Northern Flicker flying in to the bird bath and the sparrow flying out because the flickers are rarer and it is hard to catch them in flight. They are very shy. I took this photo through the kitchen window because if I'd tried to put my lens through the door the bird would have left in a shot. The jays are easier to get. They know me and come while Arvin and I are sitting on the deck.

We had a "just us" day today and managed to keep finding things to do so Arvin would not get frustrated or bored. We shopped at Haggen's. We took a walk at Boulevard Park and got a frosty coffee drink there. We watched "Frida" on Netflix and three episodes of "Rosemary and Thyme" later in the evening. And we took a walk around the neighborhood. Also we had three meals together. 

I got none of the things done that I really need to do, like finish with processing Helen's painting photo, and do Elaine's who has been waiting patiently since I took them. Well, tomorrow is another day and I will do them then as well as taking some photos of Pat's paintings to do when I've finished the others. I really should warn my friends that I just can't get the work done as quickly as I used to. But I will get it done for sure.

The day ended well with Arvin feeling good about himself and life and me feeling better in the summer cold department. I seem to be healing fast though I dare not say that as often colds go up and down for me and tomorrow could be a down day. We shall see.

I'll go delete an extra photo from the past and then post one of the other photo I almost chose. It's of a jay. Hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was much better today than Saturday. And the weather has cooled and was lovely today.

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