A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Haworth Old Road

. . to Hebden Bridge.

A glorious day to be out on the hills and moors between Haworth and Hebden Bridge following the old road. This is a view of it as it twisrs away behind us looking towards the heather moors above Keighley, near Stanbury.

A very pleasant walk with just a few places with water inundation from the heavy rain over the last couple of days. About 6 miles in total.

The road eventually dropped down to Hardcastle Crags. The views en route were down the valley and across to Stoodley Pike on the hillside beyond. A very brief stop in Hebden Bridge before getting the bus back.

Quite an experience. On advice I got a day rover ticket this got me to Keighley and on the bus to Bingley but in Bingley I was told I couldn't use it as it was another company!

Never mind. We ended up with a drink in the garden at the Golden Fleece in Harden where Chris, who'd taken us to the starting point at Penistone Hill, joined us.

Thank you very much R and C ( Corinthian Column) for the invite and planning, and the drink in the pub! Super day out.

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