Holding on Tight!

At about 3pm I realised that the Little Misses had done nothing all day but eat, play Minecraft, squabble, watch How to Train your Dragon, eat, bicker, and run round screeching like loons.
I had spent the day looking at paint charts and Pinterest, ordering paint, bedside tables and table lamps.
We all needed some fresh air!
Ignoring their protests I made them get dressed and clean their teeth (yes, at 3pm!!) and watched them trudge miserably to the car as if they were off down the mine!
We went to Padbury park and as soon as we got there they ran off happily and had a fabulous couple of hours playing. They climbed, swung, slid, invented a pirate world full of adventure, crawled through tunnels, somehow managed the death slide together with howls of laughter and generally loved it.
Nana had popped to our house to pick up her credit card which she'd forgotten yesterday and when Mr K told her we were at the park she came to join us for a bit before heading home.
Soon after we got there I was swinging them on this giant roundabout swing and Miss E suddenly exclaimed "Oh what have I done?!!!!!"
She was looking at her feet and then burst out laughing. She had odd shoes on!!!! (See extras)
That's what happens when you put on shoes without taking your eyes off Minecraft!
She thought it was the funniest thing ever!!
They also thought it was hilarious to dangle off the swing despite being told to "hold on tight!"
Home for dinner and yet another sleepover. Lazy Mummy and Daddy can't be bothered to put Miss L's mattress back into her room so they've had three sleepovers in a row!
They went to sleep pretty quickly, Mr K's still holed up writing his dissertation so I lay on the sofa watching Grey's Anatomy. I haven't seen it since we lived in this house - six years in a couple of weeks! - so I decided to go back to the beginning. It's still brilliant!!

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