The Park

I took Miss L to the park again this afternoon. It's become our holiday activity of choice!
It was sunny again and Miss L had a fabulous time again. 
And poor old Monkey got dragged around again, thrown off the swing, tied to the death slide and tangled in the cargo net!
Last day of August!! It was nice to get out in the sun!
With less than a week to go until they go back to school today was day to start Miss E's holiday homework. She had to keep an Olympic diary.
It proved quite tricky as we missed most of the Olympics and, of course, once they're over they're over and it's hard to revisit them with any degree of engagement!
And I was dreading the fight and the hysterics and the teeth-grinding awfulness of getting her to sit and do work of any description.
But I must say she was so good and sat down to it without a murmur.
She did a lovely title page complete with a Union Jack she coloured in, she wrote a list of Olympic host cities since 1896 and she wrote a brief history of the original ancient games - including the fact that only unmarried women could take part! She wrote a sweet fact file on Amy Tinkler - including the fact that she herself won a bronze medal in gymnastics. We're including this picture of her with it!!
So all in all not too bad.
She did keep writing Olimpics and got very cross with herself but she managed not to turn into a raging harpy. Progress!!!
Tomorrow she's going to write about Jason Kenny and Mo Farrah both of whom share her birthday - along with Chris Hoy, Steve Redgrave and Roger Bannister, how weird is that?!! and Adam Peaty. 
In decorating news my paint arrived today. Fifteen litres of Gentle Fawn!!

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