"Psst...have you heard the one about..."

Dear Diary,

When I was out watering the plants I noticed this little Helenium blossom deeply engaged in a whispered conversation with a petunia.  Well, at least it looked like that to my overly active imagination.  All my life I have had the ability to look at something and just make up a story about it.

I remember writing stories on little pieces of paper and keeping them in a shoe box.  I would bring it to school and work on them at recess.  While others were playing jump rope, I was scribbling away.  I was very fortunate to have teachers that encouraged my writing and story telling.  As a somewhat introverted child, I took great pleasure in my make believe world.

Karen and I are off to Portland today to visit the Winslow Homer Studio.  We are very excited about seeing this artistic landmark.  Then it will an early dinner at our favorite seaside restaurant.  It looks like the weather will co-operate too!

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