The Wedding Party

Quite a morning ! This has been one week, I am glad to get to the weekend.

Returning from my long (and eventful) morning meeting and heading back to Salford, I heard quite  lot of noise as I approached Albert Square. I thought it was a  public event, but it turned out to be a wedding party - there must have been 300 + people. I've never seen anything quite like it.

Some of them were dressed in outlandish costumes. At the front someone dressed as a town crier. Behind him attractive ladies in colourful costumes carrying 6 foot high flowers with bunting and garlands connecting them. Another made up as an old lady wearing a long lilac gown and wielding a huge flower stopped the traffic. Another beating a constant rhythm on a drum.  And so on.

As they passed by someone looked at me. "I've absolutely no idea" I said. He agreed.

Postscript - just realised it is Friday, and the blip title matches a film title. And so .......

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