Back to School

Behind again with my Blips. Sigh.

Back to school with the Little Misses today. They had baths and washed their hair last night, I got their bags ready, hung their uniforms on the doors,  and set my alarm for 6.45am. 
Everything went very well this morning - we were all up and ready by 8am. Amazing!!
It went a bit wrong when I told Miss L to get her shoes on and get in the car. 
"Those aren't my shoes" she said, "those are Miss E"s old ones".
Oh shit.
I couldn't find her shoes anywhere. In the end - thank God - I found another old pair of Miss E's in the cupboard - after running round the house like a nutter wailing "ohmyGodohmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!!!!!" - - and she wore those.
So much for all my organisation!!
I got them both to school much earlier than usual. It was hideously busy and chaotic!!
I felt a little bit of a terrible mother as I skipped out of school, shimmied my way to the car - past all the weeping mothers - and sang all the way home!!
Ha ha!!
I spent the day finishing my second assignment - a close reading of a passage of my choice (I chose Waterland by Graham Swift) and a 500 word commentary on the course and my learning.
I had almost finished the essay in July but hadn't looked at it since. It only took an hour or so to polish it up and the rest of the day was spent trying to figure out what they mean by a 500 word commentary and then rambling on for 600 words!!
Before I knew it it was time to go and get the Little Misses. 
School days go fast!!
I got everything ready again tonight. It won't last!!

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