Capital adventures

By marchmont

Busy bee

This morning: ironing, sorting out phone bills (calls made when no-one here!), sending emails re care, speaking to J and at lunchtime to the KL 3.5. Olivia was more interested in a Kinder egg than me but she knows all her colours and she is definitely speaking real words.  I think it's about 100 days before I am there.

Then to be really busy in the garden.  I didn't set out to do what I ended up doing, which was chopping back and rooting out for winter.  very satisfying though.  This bee was very busy sucking out the goodness from this flower.  The flower is no longer there.  I dug it out after the blip. 

#3 son is 29 today but he's off diving at the Farne Islands so I won't see him. And of course it is 2 years since the #Indyref so a bee on an ersatz thistle fits well.  

The extra is a sunset, almost due West now.

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