Happy First Day of Autumn at Childhood's Gate!

What beautiful weather we had for the first day of autumn. Clear blue skies, abundant sunshine, and nary a cloud. It was the morning of my big photo shoot at Childhood's Gate, and we couldn't have asked for better weather.

The children were divided up into groups to participate in three activities: making a mandala out of natural items so the sun and sky could see their art, reading a story book under the quaking aspens, and playing a game on the fossil gap.

I had made a list of specific shots I wanted, prior to the event. I had discussed them with the client, rehearsed them, and thought I was ready to roll. Well, let me tell you, when you are photographing small children, you are NOT IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING! It was a three-ring circus, as you might expect, but a fun one.

I wish I could share some photos here, but we provided release forms for the children's parents to sign, and the expected uses did not include my sharing them in other venues. So look at those picture-perfect blue skies and just imagine what a time we had! (Also of note: vacation time was marked from work for the event, as this sort of thing is not part of my primary regular duties!)

In the end, the children were brought back together again for a singalong by the sundial. A banjo player provided tunes by Woody Guthrie, and then the group joined hands and danced joyfully around the sundial.

Happy autumn equinox!

The tune: The Kinks, with Autumn Almanac.

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