AbstractThursday66 Optical Illusions...

..or to quote this week's challenge in full   'Big and Small, Scales of Perception, Optical Illusions'  Thank you Youoregon1 for setting such a difficult challenge.  Follow the link to see how he has interpreted it so beautifully!
Mine doesn't really follow the brief properly, although there can be said to be an optical illusion I suppose, well sort of:  my image is of the garden reflected in a crystal ball (Yes, I really bought one to try out for photography, NOT to see into the future!)  Of course the ball turns the garden upside down, but I preferred the finished  image when I inverted it, so the background is upside down instead.   The reflected garden is a small version of the real thing.  I did make some colour changes, couldn't resist.  The extra is an alternative colour way.
Today's challenge was an especially welcome diversion after a particularly challenging work day: I'm working on the theory that things can  only get better!

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