To Each His Own...

Dear Diary,

It isn't often that I see the little finches sharing the feeder with a woodpecker!  They can't be any different in their eating habits.  The finch calmly sits there, minutes on end, slowly eating seed after seed.  The woodpecker on the other hand furiously throws out the seeds in the vain attempt to find something that isn't insect of some kind.

Now the metaphorical possibilities of this are clear even to the most novice of contemplative photographers.  Little finch is content with what he has because he knows this is the right place to find the seeds he loves while the stressed out woodpecker is always disappointed.  If he would just visit one of the many trees around he would be satisfied but he keeps coming back expecting that maybe this time there will be bugs.

Knowing what works for you, where you are most likely to find happiness, is very important.  While it is always good to try out new things some of those things just won't work for you and it is best to accept that.  I think it was Albert Einstein that said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Wise words.  (Extra photo of the happy finch)

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