Next Year's Crop

TT is away with work again, and I was almost on football duty in Dunbar, but a friend’s dad offered to pick BB up – which was very kind of him.  I had planned to go for a walk in Dunbar while he was playing, so I went for a walk round and about here instead.  It was a glorious warm and sunny morning, and I wished I had gone further, but I had to make sure I was back in time for the return of BB.

Once he was cleaned up we popped into town for a few things and had Lunch at the Loft.  Next stop was the supermarket for a  few things, but I refused to carry a pumpkin all the way home.  BB bumped into a couple of school friends while I did my shopping, he even came and looked for me and gave me a row for not speaking to his friend’s mums!  I did manage a chat with one before we left.

It was then home for cello practice and then at 5pm BB was off to a Halloween party at a friend’s house.  No anxiety attacks today thank goodness.

This gave me the peace to watch the last two episodes of The Fall – and what a dramatic final episode it was – before I collected him.
Here is a view from my morning walk.  I’m not sure what is in this field – but it is probably next year’s barley or wheat. 

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