Café Kulture

I imagine it only counts as a cultural visit to the Scottish Portrait Gallery if you spend a few hours looking round the galleries rather than sitting in the café and admiring the cakes. The shop did feature too, but HL and I were in hunter gatherer mode and had to move on to hunt the quarry.

Something is very wrong when commercialism is so rampant, that in the first week of November, the Christmas Market is being assembled in Princes Street Gardens and every shop boasts a Christmas Tree and tinsel. It seems a heart beat since the Festival stalls and booths were being dismantled and with Guy Fawkes night not yet celebrated we have been thrust into an over early Christmas period.

The glorious sunny autumn weather, even though bitterly cold, has distanced us somewhat from the dark days of December, so it is a pity we can't enjoy the here and now without being made to stress about December 25th.

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