
By Veronica


It was a grey and miserable day today and I felt a bit grim when I woke up, so sofa snoozling with a book seemed like a good plan, along with building up supplies of bread. But mid-afternoon the wind swept some of the clouds away to reveal the sun, so I hurried out with the camera ...

... and was shocked, I tell you, shocked, to discover that without my even having noticed, my two favourite pylons have been painted red! Yes, I know you can't tell in this fartnarkled photo, but have a look at the extra. I suppose in one sense they look good, at least against these clouds, but on the downside they won't glow in low sun the way they used to. Ah, the trials of being a blipper.

This evening we went to the Centre Culturel to see a play, Les Fils de la Terre, about a family of farmers struggling to save their farm from liquidation. It was excellent; so well played and compelling that you could have heard a pin drop, and not because the audience had fallen asleep like last time. It's based on a documentary film of the same name which will be shown tomorrow -- sounds like a good way of spending a wet Sunday afternoon.

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