Horsey Horsey...

It's sunshine and showers for us today and soo much colder, November has arrived! Up to the village for some shopping and looking for a blip of course!

I got left behind again whilst I chatting to lady about her miniature horse-sized dog. It was a huge black Russian Terrier, mixed with Giant Schnauzer, Airedale and Newfoundland, the mind boggles! His name was Nico and he was out for gentle exercise before a critical ligament op that was coming up very soon. He was a lovely cuddly looking dog and I hope I get to meet him again as I didn't manage a photo this time.

This horse was enjoying the grass in it's field and I processed it in Silver Efex Pro 2 using the antique pale II filter.

TheAphid is hosting Mono Monday during November. The first theme tomorrow is HOT and the tag is MM146. Please spread the word thanks :-)

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