Long day, short evening

And now a quick blip so that I can get to bed.

I felt a bit more productive at work today, but my cold is still hanging on. It was my 'late' at work, so I didn't get away until 5.40 and went straight to Cromer to pick up Mollie. We didn't get home until 7. Henry had washed up, but dinner needed to be cooked and Mollie got on to that (I was listening to the Archers!) and by the time it was cooked, eaten and I'd washed up I had barely 20minutes of my evening left before Gareth Malone and his choir programme was on. Just time for me to make my muesli, and move things around in my cooks cabinet. A load of washing also went in, but I haven't had time to hang it out.

Was very excited when Mollie announced that she had a £2 coin for me (she looks out at work for me - obviously replacing the coins she takes with a regular £2 or equal coinage), and it was a new 2015 one, that I don't have! Henry and I have collections of all the different £2 and 50p coins...we are just avid collectors of anything collectable! I did squeal quite loudly & say omg a lot!

Right. Off to bed.

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