Fall Walk in the Woods

Nothing like a long walk in the woods to restore calm and peace. I had lots to do but I set it aside and went for a long walk instead. There was fog this morning and it had mostly lifted when I walked to Whatcom Falls Park. There was foggy dew everywhere and it was beautiful. I saw many webs glistening with dew. And leaves like this one with the sunlight streaming through them highlighting the dewdrops on them. Quite lovely. I didn't expect much in the way of wildlife but was pleasantly surprised by the sight of a group of hooded mergansers near Derby Pond. I also got a glimpse of a kingfisher. He was too far away to take a great photo but I was still delighted to see him. By the time I got home from the walk I was in a much better mood than I have been since the election. I spent some time relaxing and reading my friend's book and then worked on my photos until it was time to pick up Arvin in time for his eye doctor appointment. That went well and we had a happy evening together. It seems that life goes on in spite of whatever knocks us for a loop. This is a good thing since there is little we can do about the situation here politically.

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