Here she goes again

We have this orchid plant in the kitchen window. I don't remember exactly when we bought it at Trader Joe's but that's where it came from. And it blooms and blooms and blooms. It came with one stalk that branched into three, each with a line of blossoms moving along the branch. We've had it for months. The branches keep extending with new buds. Slowly the earlier flowers dry and drop but the plant keeps making more. Now the branches have just a few blossoms toward the front and none left closer to the main branch. Yesterday I noticed this, a whole new main branch starting to grow. I expect this orchid might outlive us all. The bluish plant below the new branch is a sedum that is in the same pot as the orchid. It also has grown and is much bigger than when we bought the plant.

Today was very busy for me. First therapy, next support group, and finally a HEAD (health education about dementia) talk. My head is spinning. I picked up Helena between numbers two and three and she hung out with Arvin until I got home around six thirty. Then we all went out for dinner at our little local Mexican restaurant. I didn't have energy left for cooking. Now it is time for bed!

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