Children in Need cakes!

And so many of them! I think our small office had done pretty well in their efforts. Firstly to bake (on a school night!) such a huge variety of amazing cakes, secondly to buy them back again at a profit for charity. Well done everyone for making the effort to eat cake all day! I didn't take any lunch with me (only an apple!) and a special thanks to Donna for organising it. We will know our final total next week.

Work was quite satisfying. I have a lot to learn, but what I am learning is falling into place quite quickly. I think I must have absorbed some transfer knowledge, by spending so many years sitting next lovely friends Ian, Joanne & Clive. It was good while it lasted! So I managed to do quite a few transfer in quotes, and decided my 6 job, 4 of them status 2, lady was really a Monday job. So I'll be raring to go with that one next week!

Had a wander down to Anglia Square at lunch time. Funny, but it reminded me of the Tower Center Precinct in Hoddesdon circa Christmas 1980. It was the smell as well as the tackyness, and kind of 'struggling to keep afloat' air it has. I felt at home.

I got home at 5.30. When I am bored one evening, I'll tell you about how much the people on the bus annoy me. The ones who get up and walk to the front before the bus has stopped. Grrr.

Morrisons was empty as usual. We stuck to the list and spent £92. Including a £6 Xmas gift, and 3 bunches of not at their best flowers for 9p each. Well, I had to didn't I? They are in a vase now, being loved!

I'm out tomorrow to meet up with some girl friends. Looking forward to it. Now some late writing.

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