To Ndoromo

Ndoromo is the entry point to one of the game reserves where we work with teams made up from the Wildlife Service and local villagers, called Community Wildlife Ambassadors. It’s a long slog on bad roads to get here – a place that is the end of the road but from where you can reach the Democratic Republic of Congo 15km by foot through forest trails to trade at one of the border markets. An appealing option for the South Sudanese in these nearby areas, while their domestic economy is freefalling.

Obligatory gathering of a group of African village children upon arrival of a khawaja. Likely only the fourth to step foot in this village in the last few decades (the other three being colleagues or affiliates). One girl cried upon seeing me and ran to hide behind her mother’s skirt. It’s usual to see a range of emotions from bewilderment to sheer joy in such a group, with the least perplexed usually correlated with years since birth. One thing sure to ingratiate you to even the steeliest toddlers is showing them the photo on your digital camera. I think all smiled at that point except babe in arms, who most likely thought I was a pale-skinned demon cursing the village with wicked spells.

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