'Tis the Season...

There's something a bit odd about a reindeer jumping out of a telephone pole fifteen feet above the ground and at a latitude more suitable for a cat on a windowsill, but he is rather festive....I'm beginning to feel the urge to deck the halls...

I certainly haven't accomplished much else today.

I went to the doctor for what I thought was to be an annual physical exam only to be told that my insurance doesn't pay for that and they were sure I wouldn't want to pay for it out of pocket....I was tempted to turn and flee, but finally confessed that my blood pressure was pretty high. (I wonder why?) Oh well, come on in then, said they.... Since the office called me to remind me to make the appointment it might have been helpful for them to tell me what it was for....

Perhaps the reason my blood pressure is raised is the fact that I am still having problems with my computer ever since they made me download the latest operating system which seems to exist mainly to trap me into putting everything into the cloud....wherever that is. Perhaps I could find St. Peter up there clutching my missing vacation photographs. I don't think I'm going to find them any other way since it appears to be impossible to contact the store for an appointment with a real person short of storming the barricades....

My newly acquired holiday spirit seems to be slipping....

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