Derelict Meter

A frustrating morning - trying to do some finishing up on the insulation at Mrs madwill's studio - only the boarding wasn't playing ball (read that as " I am incompetent"). Gave up and will have to go back next week to have another go....

Went out late to see if there would be nice sunset - after the nice ones I missed the last couple of days. That wasn't playing ball either.

I snapped this broken meter cupboard on the outside of an old barn / stable. There are a couple of horses that run free around the yard - and it looks like they use this as a scratching post. It looks like it is collecting leaves now. It was almost dark and the ISO has shot up to 3200. I am tagging this for Derelict Sunday.  Thanks to evolybab  for hosting.

Got home to surprise visitors - our daughter and granddaughter had popped in after visiting some friends nearby...three of our daughter's schoolfriends have all had babies in the last few weeks - so there was a mass baby outing!

Progress on the destroyed footpath - the farmer has 'flattened'  a strip where the path was - I tried to walk along it on the way home, it has just been ploughed and is like quicksand. Not ideal, there is no grass and it will be a quagmire when it rains. It will take years to grow back to how it was .

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