Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Feeling a bit peely-wally?

Peely-wally (or peelie-wallie or peelie-wally) is Scottish slang for ill-looking, pale, off-colour or faded. The expression was in use in my family when I was growing up and I use it myself.

Not only peely-wally, but feeling somewhat under the weather on day 2 of the cold.

After the morning in bed, I had a shower and dressed, if only to go and breath fresh air in the garden and capture a blip. I thought that this beautiful rose chimed with my feelings.

I have managed to watch some of the On Landscape conference on YouTube, but the Day 1 video won't work for me. I very much enjoyed listening to Charles Cramer and would like to hear him again. He was a professional pianist who was a student of Ansel Adams. I loved his attitude to his work and the insights he brought. I managed to stay awake, but only just!

Roll on being germ and symptom free.

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