Best Boy Ever!!!

Mr K took the Little Misses to school this morning. I don't think I've mentioned that he's been off for a few weeks. 
In between contracts he calls it. Stupidly having left his old job before getting a new one I call it!!!!!
There are a few things in the pipeline but nothing definite yet. 
It's not nerve-wracking at all.........
But I am nothing if not a supportive wife and as long as he's available to do the school run happy then I'm happy!
And it's been lovely having him around for Archie's first few weeks with us.
Rock climbing tonight for Miss E and Christmas card writing for Miss L. Last week Mrs E and I decided it would be a good plan to get the three of them to write their cards while Miss E and Mr F do their climbing.
Writing cards in November? What strange new world is this?!!!!
So Miss L, Miss F and Miss M sat for an hour and a half writing their cards. Usually it's pretty much the last day of term and there's no time for frills so tonight Miss L embraced the extra time writing lots of personal messages and drawing loads of fantastic pictures. She only got about ten cards done but they're masterpieces!!
And she's clearly got a soft spot for Mr H!!!

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