My Beautiful Miss E

Today was the day of Miss E's Christmas play. I don't think I've ever been so proud of her!!!
The whole thing was amazing!!
Nanny came down, Mr K came home from work early and we met Nana and Papa at school. No nonsense about tickets at Miss E's school!!!
Miss E started the whole thing off doing brilliantly with her solo lines. She was beaming and confident and funny, dancing and full of jazz hands. Just bloody fantastic!!!!
When she wasn't doing her thing she sat with her classmates - looking happy and relaxed and clearly enjoying herself. A far cry from school plays in the past!!
The play - by years 1 to 4 -  was an old fashioned nativity which was lovely to see but with a modern introduction which saw Miss E introducing the "stars" and inviting one of them to audition for the role of the star of Bethlehem. She was the Simon Cowell of the star world. With wings!!
She changed her costume and danced with the travellers on their way to Bethlehem and then changed back into her fabulous angel costume and sang a solo line with the angels. Oh my God it was amazing!!!!!!!
At the end we had few minutes taking photos of them on the stage before they headed back to class to get changed. I wanted a photo of her on her own but she insisted on being with her friends - cuddling them, dancing with them, putting their arms round each other. It made me so happy to see her so happy!!

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