Amaryllis - Take 2

Saturday's are not the best day of the week for a gorgeous little collie like me. Ann works 12 – 4pm so I get my 'afternoon walk' in the morning and by the time Ann comes home from work it's dark so I just get a trek around the streets on my lead, which isn't much fun?! However, I'm intelligent enough to know that if I want treats and Ann wants wine we need money to buy such things?!

Saturdays spent mainly indoors, or in the dark, also mean that Blipping opportunities are limited. I got Blipped in Braidburn Valley Park this morning but I've been Blipped there loads of times so Ann didn't want to post that photo.

Instead we thought we'd show you how much our Amaryllis has grown in a week. Click here for last weeks photo.

…..............So who thinks our Amaryllis is going to flower before Christmas???

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