Derelict bathroom (Day 584)

The dogs disappeared into the darkness of another blustery morning wander up the hill. In the distance petrified pheasants called in alarm as they were chased out of their slumber by two idiot dogs.
Back home for a quick coffee, then out to re-visit a potential customer who is maybe wanting their bathroom replaced. I managed to get out and back home just before my beautiful wife returned from her overnight shift at work. We compiled a massive shopping list and headed to the delights of Tescos. The weather deteriorated as we shopped and we drove home in thick drizzle.
Shopping unpacked and crammed into cupboards and freezers, we took the dogs for a vile walk at Aikerness. There were no redeeming features to the walk. It was just wet, windy and generally horrible.
On the way home we took a diversion to look at a job that I have to go to next week. A new customer is moving to Orkney having bought a derelict cottage. They are going to stay in a caravan whilst they renovate the house. There is very little to renovate. I have pipes to cap off so that I can turn the water on, but I see little prospect of anyone moving into the house again. The shot today is from what passes as the bathroom in the house. A leaky shack tacked onto the side of the cottage. Depressing.
We zoomed home and had a quick tidy-up in preparation for the arrival of Luke. He is currently bobbing around on the ferry.

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