youngies journey

By youngie66

Maintenance Time

Well I should have driven my train to Dundee and back early this morning but I was informed that the train would start from Edinburgh instead due to an unusual fault that occurred the previous night although I knew already as the driver who had the fault did not get finished until 3am this morning he was driving the HST back from Newcastle and was north of Alnmouth when as he was shutting off power with the throttle handle it sheared off in his hand when still in half power he was able to stop the train but the engine was still revving away but he was able to eventually get it shut off and return train to Alnmouth using the rear cab and detrain passengers there and head back to Newcastle for repairs then he brought it back to Edinburgh and down to the depot for further examinations so I only had around 8 minutes driving today taking it to Edinburgh and to my surprise when I got out the cab a lady approached me and said are you Youngie I said yes it was one of my fellow blip subs Meles so it was nice to meet her and put a face to the name although we could not chat long as she had to board it but it was nice to meet you Meles I hope your camera did not suffer any damage by taking my photo lol but hope your journey went well then it was off to pick up my camara after it was cleaned I treated myself to a reconditioned lens for my dslr and then went to play golf with a workmate who is off at the moment as he is getting chemo for treating his bowel cancer so it wss good to see him even if the weather was crap rain for first 16 holes and sun for last 2 soaked to skin but I still managed to shoot 79 so pleased at how I played in that miserable wet weather so anyway this is a shot of my train in the sheds at Craigentinny waiting for me to take it to the station

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