Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

The Last Day!

The phone went off at 8am on a call out, waking me up and curtailing my wishes of a lay on after yeserdays early morning jaunt. As I headed to The Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, the sunrise was gorgeous but it frustrated me as I could not get into a position to photograph it. Nearing the hospital I saw it on the horizon with a background of a lovely orange glow and snapped it with the Transporter Bridge. It'd normally be my blip photo sorted, but today there was something more important. No room for an extra either.  :(

It was Mrs BB last day in work. She'd accepted redundancy (the Police have massive savings to make and are shedding 25% of their officers and 25% of civilian staff) and will draw her first pension cheque at the end of January. A big change in her life - being stuck with me!  She has been apprehensive and not looking forward to her last day, mainly as she'll miss her colleagues.

Unbeknown to her, I bought some flowers and a card, and walked into her office at Police HQ just as they were doing the ceremony. She was already in tears and seeing me made it worse! (no adverse comments, please). The daughter, Lorna, also works for Gwent Police as a supervisor and was there to hold her hand. The blip photo shows Mrs BB and her daughter. We walked her to her car and it was all over; the last day!

We are out with two sets of very good friends this evening to have a bite and drink to celebrate.

Wide Angle Wednesday Challenge:-

My choices in order of preference are the following;

1.  SueMiddleton                                            Above The Clouds
2.  Freyjad                                                       Barley Fields Sunrise
3.  Northernlss261                                       A lovely cloudscape
4.  Sarumstroller                                           Mono tree/river reflection
5.  Maureen482                                            A lovely china teascape and cake

Honary Mention:

a)  JohnW                                                       Stitched field pano
b)  AH14                                                          Double blue - water and sky
c)  GEO2B                                                       Dramatic sky scape

Thanks for looking!

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