51 today!....and a Happy New Year to all :-)

As always, my day started at about a minute after midnight with copious 'Happy Birthday' messages, by text, facebook, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Since I was of an age when I was allowed out to New Years eve parties (I guess about 16) my birthday has been celebrated in this way. Lucky me. I think that I not only get the first, but also the longest birthday of the year!

We retired to bed at about 1am after an evening of board games, just the 5 of us. I think I'm past parties anyway! I was woken at 8.45am with a cup of tea. Jon brought me toast and juice shortly afterwards, as I desperately tried to fill the extra wrinkles acquired overnight. I was clean, dressed and downstairs by 10 in time to listen to The Archers omnibus. Obviously.

So the day proceeded like most other sundays do, but with birthday cards and presents, and loads more messages on Facebook and texts. I have so many friends. So many. It really is lovely. Thank you everyone. I know some of you read this, and I truly feel the messages are heartfelt. So when I'm feeling sorry for myself in 2017, moaning about not seeing anyone, someone give me a virtual prod, and remind me how lucky I am. An evening in The Isaac Newton, outside Shire Hall in Cambridge will be arranged shortly, then another day on the beach in the summer. Everyone is invited, and welcome. (Why not, as it is neither my pub, or my beach!!)

If you aren't interested in what I got for my birthday, look away now! A lovely history book (yes BOOK - pages, paper etc, no charging, buttons or screen) exactly what I wanted, yet I didn't even know it existed. Thank you Jon. I got some perfume from mum and dad, and a cute little mobile ornament from a shop in Cromer that I love, chosen by Mollie. A lovely top from my favourite shop White Stuff, which I haven't shopped in for a whole year now sadly, so what a treat, thank you Manda. Socks, soap, chocolate all from friends who care about me, and an array of beautiful and funny cards that all 'say' something that is fitting for me. People really know the person that is Beverley!

I cooked a roast dinner, and for the first time this holiday we ate up at the table, in a proper civilised manner. Daniel goes home tomorrow, so it was also the last! Then we sat down with 'My Fair Lady' on dvd in the background and had another go at 'Pandemic'. It was great....but it beat us again. We will be back. Henry even said it was better than Monopoly. High praise indeed...Monopoly is his absolute favourite! We followed it with a game of Cluedo, which Daniel won quite convincingly before I'd even managed to work out the method. I never was very good at it.

We managed to eat a whole box of After Eight while playing games, then went next door for tea with mum and dad. The evening was spent watching tv together, mainly Sherlock.

My photo has an unintentional fuzzy filter - it was misted up due to the cold from the conservatory where my camera spent the night, hitting the warm of the lounge. The vain 51 year old me thinks the non-misty photo's taken later in the day were not as good. And as it is my birthday, I decided to go with this!

Thank you to everyone who follows my many words day in day out. By my 650th blip, you'd think I'd run out of things to say. Best wishes for 2017. I hope that we all manage to get more ups than downs in this new year. 

A very happy birthday to 3 other close friends who share this special birthday - Andy, Diane and Laura. All Capricorns who really do share similarities.

Anyway, it's another new year. Think positive, stay well and keep busy. 

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