But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I never make New Year resolutions; however, Mrs TD decreed that I should tidy up all the shoes and boots in the utility room and fit shelves to take them all. My plan was that I should put all the offending items outside, fit the shelves, and then tell Herself and Jnr to put their own stuff away; any remaining outside would then be thrown in the bin. The hole in the middle is because the lad went down to the village shop for a bottle of Irn Bru, but there is no explanation for the singleton in the group. There is a surprising quantity of footwear here considering that there are only three of us and that I have two smartish pairs of shoes put away neatly in the bedroom and two pairs of cycling shoes ditto in the garage. I am also falsely accused of having several pairs each of Wellingtons, walking boots and trainers which are only approximately my size and have mysteriously appeared over the last decade.
Unfortunately, Jnr’s homework got in the way of progress as I had to proof read an essay on “The Cyclic Evolution of Galapagos Finches;” it was an interesting assignment that involved learning a lot of new words – few of which I could pick up in the playground. I will be back tomorrow, lining boots up in the back yard and fitting shelves – unless Jnr finds another essay for me.
Thanks are due to Marlieske for hosting today’s Mono Monday challenge with the obvious “Resolution” theme. Some of the more esoteric themes of recent months have seemed a little daunting but, I could handle this one.

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