Chairman of the Bored

Benedict didn't like the weather up until early afternoon. It was cool, damp, and not up to standard.

It certainly wasn't flash and whereas I could adapt from outside jobs to inside ones, the little pope struggled. We had frustration, stroppy, cuddly, annoyed, sleepy, naughty... all in the space of a few minutes. Much like having a young child home during the school holidays in poor weather ;-)

He bashed and crashed his way through papers and photos I was sorting. He belted up and down the stairs and to his great delight could continue up the pull down ladder up to the loft *sigh*. There he could wreck havoc in whatever he could find.

Did I mention he regularly pounced on any bare flesh too? In fairness he was wasn't using his claws. And every now and then he'd fire outside through his cat door - but only briefly before firing back in again, expressing his displeasure at the weather as he broke the sound barrier ;-)

And so the morning passed...

The wet turned to grey early afternoon and he disappeared to make up for lost time in his outside world. I ventured out to knock off a number of shop errands. I hate shopping and hoped I could knock off my list with relative ease. I did.

Tomorrow it's back to work. The shock will be using that part of my brain which has enjoyed a break from figuring stuff out and problem solving.

The spare room isn't quite sorted but it's close. I dropped more stuff at the local charity shop and made a sizable contribution of my recycling bin. All in all I've made good progress on sorting my house post-repair. Now I'll have to juggle it with work and weekends.

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