Positive start..

A horribly early alarm went off at 6.15 but I didn't get up immediately. Everyone else left fast asleep, I was out by 7.15 and at work by 8.15. I got off the bus at the usual stop, and one of the bars I pass was handing out free cups of coffee. Very welcome, I thanked them and took one.

When I got in to the office, there were lots of lovely birthday cards waiting for me. People are very kind. I usually forget, so am trying to change that. My day in the office flew. I had loads of post to sort through and in general there is loads of work. I did my best then left at 5.15.

Jon had cooked dinner and a cup of tea was waiting when I got in. Tomorrow he is back off to Cambridge. No change there. Henry goes back to school Thursday.

I spent the evening making a birthday card. A bit of tv. Now bed. Glad of a short week :)

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