Another derelict building in Bundi

Hideous night because the road was dug up - a huge trench to lay new pipe - so my bed shook with the vibrations from 10 till 5 a.m.  Even earplugs couldn't deaden the sound.  To make it all the more insupportable  I have Delhi belly - and I have been so careful.  But am on the 4 banana and one glass of coco cola an hour remedy and am feeling much  better.  So a quiet walk was taken to buy bananas and coke.     There is an extra of a sweet girl who was stripping the main vein in beedi leaves so her mother can roll them for sale this afternoon.

Derelict Sunday entries this week should be tagged DS65.  I enjoyed looking at last week's entries and give my hearts to the following:

Tedwinspics for the unused garden shed – everyone should have one or a greenhouse in which to potter
Common Enchantments   for the sad but peaceful little graveyard to Confederate dead
Alan_Roger  for his artistic thistle in the snow
Rainie's beautiful remains of a rose
Davidc  for his unusual presentation of storm damaged trees

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