McLean Falls

We are now staying in the Catlins at a farm.  We have lovely sociable hosts who were very keen to talk about their family and their sheep farm which has about 3000 sheep.

The weather was pretty grim but we ventured out and went down to the coast - curio bay where we saw a penguin.  The countryside rather like Devon with rolling hills and it is very pretty

From the coast we ventured inland and went to the McLean falls.  There has been so much rain that the water was rather brown in places.  From here we went to Florence Hill lookout - see extras.

No 2 son phoned to say that he has passed all his exams and now holds a Commercial Pilot's Licence - well done to him - he has worked very hard.

We had tea and cakes with our hosts when we returned and a walk around their lovely garden.  

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