A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Quadrophenia 2: Boys Trip To Brighton Marina

Late finish last night, early start this morning. Perfect!.. not.

Work was an experience. As the intended barman was not going to be tending to his duties at the bar today, I was asked to fill in. Woopee! Begrudgingly, with a colleague as my sidekick, we undertook bar-ly duties throughout the day period, just about keeping on top of things & learning a lot in the process. The whole weekend as been a really useful time & I think should stand me in good stead at the hotel, that's if I'm awake enough to stand. I even just about managed to cash-up (I hope) at the end of my shift.

No rest for the wicked. As soon as I'd finished I was out again with the lads on an evening adventure to Brighton for dinner & to see a showing of The Expendables 2. A funny (possibly at times not intentionally) action-packed, action-hero-filled riot. A good film to see with an obscene amount of gore, beatings, punching, kicking, flipping, knife throwing, gun wielding, head exploding, corny line banter between some actually kinda old but extremely hench 80/90's action-stars, & motorbike exploding through helicopter screen type outrageous stunts.

On the way we saw some mods, Quadrophenia style, on their mirror-clad mopeds. Not quite the Expendables, but still pretty cool.

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