
Benedict has rightly felt neglected this evening. I've been on a mission to deal with some stuff. At least he's now fed whereas I'm not.

Today I've wielded paint brushes of various sizes. My handyman came and did a list of jobs for me including replacing some rotten wood on my front gate. I always knew there would be a phase 2 of fence painting and it's done now.

Over the past couple of days I started the Paint the Doorstep Project. I'm convinced most paint jobs are 80% preparation. The fence not so much, but definitely anything else.

I'd already washed the step with sugar soap and thoroughly cleaned off any residue. All loose paint was levered off with a blade on Thursday evening, and last night I got the first of 3 lots of sanding and tidying up of any remaining loose paint done.

Today I've switched between the doorstep and the gate. Painting the gate is complete and I've got as far as priming the doorstep. That means I did work my way through 2 more grades of sandpaper, spot primed bare wood, filled a couple of spots, and then got a coat of primer over the whole step.

Tomorrow I'll get 2 coats of top coat on it and it's done. Then I'll turn my attention to the garden.

Sadly one of my lovely uncles passed away today. He'll leave an enormous gap in many lives. RIP Uncle Bob. 

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