Daredevil Biker in the Park

Snow everywhere. But luckily the sun came out and Sue was able to get to my house to take me to Arvin's eye doctor and to Silverado to visit Arvin. Unfortunately their message was not about his glasses, but was about his contacts instead. They were ready. The glasses were not. So Arvin still has to be somewhat blind until they come in. I wished I could help him out as he is still feeling lost. Sue and I visited him for an hour. He was delighted to see me and told me yet again how lost he feels. It is sad but I fear unavoidable with the huge change in his life. I think when the glasses really are ready he will feel less confused because he will see where he is much better than now.

After our visit Sue took me by the Farmer's Coop so I could stock up on some of the bird food. Then she took me home. I had a late lunch and then took a walk in the park. It was so beautiful with snow everywhere. I took this photo of a daring guy who was riding his bike in the snow. I really enjoyed my walk but was happy to return to my warm house when I finished my walk.

This evening I've been relaxing and working on my trip photos. I plan to make a book.

Oh and I was able to prepare all the papers for the reverse mortgage and email them to the gal who is finalizing it. The closing should happen soon. I am glad as I've been treading water trying to keep up with the payments for Arvin's new home at Silverado. It is very expensive but worth the cost. I do feel that they are the best choice for him right now even though he doesn't feel that way. Well, to be honest, I should say the best for me and him, as I am the one who really needed to change how I was caring for him. With my eye surgery I could not have possibly cared for him and this was the final signal that it was time for me to move him where professionals could give him better care than I could. 

Once I am able to drive again, my plan is to visit Arvin almost daily. I don't want to abandon him. It's just hard right now to get there. Thanks to Sue I was able to spend an hour with him today. Tomorrow I paint. Helen is driving me there and back home. Life is complex but doable right now. And I find I like living by myself even though I miss Arvin a lot.

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