
I've been coming to Madeira for around ten years but today was really something special.

I was on a tour arranged by the hotel and there were only four of us. We focussed on Madeira wine making and Poncha (the outrageously boozy rum and fruit juice drink that would banish any flu or cold bugs, no question.)

We started in Sao Vicente and Porto Moniz and the light was breathtaking. My blip is looking back to Ribeiro do Janeila and the rock formation. When I saw it, with the light and the mist I just gasped. Can there really be such beauty.

The lava pools, volcanic rocks and the waves (extras) were mesmerising and the half hour we had there was just spent enjoying the sheer beauty.

From then on in it was a feast of wine tasting, learning about the local grape varieties, tasting and more tasting. (Including various local brews that never reach the shops as it would be illegal)

A magnificent lunch in a hotel away from it all (I want a couple of days there).

A farmer's bar with local wine that needs the equivalent of Madeiran Irn Bru to be tasted.

A visit to a top Madeira fortified wine maker to taste rare vintages.

And finally Poncha.

I'm going to book for the same tour next week. I still have more to learn :-)

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